The Diggle Dilemma
The Adventures of Bud & Herb
S01E02: The Diggle Dilemma
Herb: [00:00:00] The sleepy idyllic town of Mystra's Glen is home to a predator. A beast walks the outskirts silent, yet deadly. Who will fall prey to its nightmarish stench? This is Mysteries of the Verdant Valley.
Welcome back to another episode of Mysteries of the Verdant Valley. I'm your co-host, Herb.
Bud: And I'm Bud. Wow, Herb, that was some night last night, wasn't it? Oh my gods.
Herb: It sure was. We saw it. We saw the Cinderwood Walker with our own eyes, up close and personal.
Bud: Oh man, too personal, way too personal. In fact, I think the Cinderwood Walker needs to learn to respect people's personal boundaries, do you know what I'm saying?
Herb: Agreed. And, it could use some deodorant. I mean, a little D.O. for the B.O.. Woo wee!
Bud: Man, wow, that B. O. Oh [00:01:00] my gods, I took three showers. Three showers, Herb, and I still feel like I can smell it. So how about it? Pretty scary, right?
Herb: It was so scary. I mean, that Walker could move fast for something so big.
Bud: Oh my gods, that ain't no joke. That thing could haul ass. For a hot second, I thought we was done for. You and me have done a lot of adventuring over the years, and I ain't never seen nothing like that before. Have you?
Herb: No, absolutely not.
Bud: Okay. All right. I didn't think so. But let me ask you this: is there any chance that this could be a case of mistaken identity?
Herb: What do you mean?
Bud: Maybe, is this a known creature that people just got confused for a cryptid? Maybe it's like a, I don't know, like a Chimera or something like that. But what if it was all mangled and up and deformed to the point that maybe people wouldn't recognize it for what it was? You know what I'm saying?
Herb: Oh, gosh, I don't know. I really don't think [00:02:00] so. We've seen Chimera before. We've seen Manticores. We've even seen Lucratas.
Bud: Oh yeah. Nasty.
Herb: Nasty. The Walker had some similar traits to some of these creatures, but not enough that I think it could get confused for one, even if it was, as you say, deformed.
Bud: Okay, but, here's the question. How good a look did you really get at it? Cause, I didn't see that much. My eyes were on fire from getting sprayed with that death stench. Yeah.
Herb: It was pretty dark out there. I was running pretty fast, but I still say it wasn't any of those things.
Bud: Really? Okay. Alright. Well, why? Why is that?
Herb: For the simple reason that it was just too big. I mean, it was at least twice the size of any Chimera we've ever seen.
Bud: Oh, fair enough. Fair enough. That was a big mother@#$%er, man. Holy @#$% but, for scientific purposes, we are [00:03:00] scientists are we not?
Herb: Yeah, of course, of course.
Bud: It really seems like neither you nor me got a clear look at it. Is that fair to say?
Herb: That's fair to say.
Bud: Okay, all right, that's okay, you don't have to feel bad about it. Now, I tell you what, Herb, let's just try an experiment. Why don't you and I try to describe what we saw for our listeners out here, okay? So what did we see?
Herb: Well, like I said, it was big. Really big. I mean, maybe ten, fifteen feet tall, at least. Big poppy.
Bud: What else?
Herb: It was covered in some sort of nasty ass moss, or like a pelt, but everything was just rotting.
Bud: Rotting off.. Yeah.
Herb: Yeah, yeah. yeah. Ugh.
Bud: What else?
Herb: Well, it had some sort of antler situation.
Bud: Oh yeah, uh huh, but they was like, all wonky looking, like, like they were [00:04:00] these creepy craggly branches or something. You know what I'm saying?
Herb: Yeah, yeah. Oh, and, I mean, look, I only have two legs. This thing had four. I could hear it. I could feel it. It was definitely running on all four legs. Things were happening super fast. I can't corroborate Grondar's account that the legs are different sizes, different animals type, but I heard four stompy stomps and they were coming at me fast.
Bud: What else?
Herb: Like Grondar had said before, its eyes were definitely yellow, definitely glowing.
Bud: Them eyes, oh my god, them spooky ass eyes. Woo! It was like they was looking into my very soul.
Herb: Deep into my soul, they could see every regret that I've ever had!
Bud: Oh god, it was awful. Oh, but how about them wings, though?
Herb: When it reared up on those hind legs and spread its wings, I almost I I lost it. I [00:05:00] lost it.
Bud: Yeah. Oh yeah, man. Me too. I lost my load into my pants. You know what I'm saying?
Herb: I know exactly what you're saying, I almost @#$% my pants and I don't wear pants!
Bud: Oh @#$%. And, and just like them antlers, them wings didn't really look like bird wings or, or dragon wings or something. They were just made out of bones or sticks something.
Herb: Yeah, they seemed super skeletal.
Bud: Exactly, exactly. All right. Okay. Here's what we know. You and I saw something out there by old Blightroot, right?
Herb: Yep.
Bud: We got the best look at it that we could and we caught some pretty compelling audio of it, but we were not able to obtain no physical evidence as we were running for our very lives. So can we say for sure that this is an undocumented creature? That this is in fact a cryptid.
Herb: Scientifically speaking, probably not.
Bud: Yeah, I know. Agreed. So, [00:06:00] I think what that means is we can safely say this warrants further investigation. We cannot prove that this is not cryptid.
Herb: Oh, absolutely. Without any physical evidence, we really can't say if the Cinderwood Walker is cryptid or something else entirely.
Bud: Hells yeah. So, what are we gonna do? What's the next steps?
Pickle: Bud! Herb! Have you seen the paper today?
Bud: Oh, oh, hey Pickle. Uh, come on in.
Pickle: Oh gosh, I'm sorry. Are you guys recording? I didn't know, uh.
Herb: It's alright, Pickle. We'll just edit it. Don't worry about it. What's going on?
Pickle: I just thought you should see the paper. Check out today's headline.
Bud: Okay, uh, “local halfling boy Theo Diggle goes missing.”
Herb: Oh, no! Poor Theo!
Bud: You know Theo?
Herb: Yeah, he's Rosie Diggle's youngest boy. Rosie and I, we work together at The 'Nug.
Bud: Wow.
Pickle: Keep reading!
Bud: Okay, okay, alright. Uh. “Theo Diggle, a local halfling boy, went missing from his home in the [00:07:00] Ironbark neighborhood of Mystra's Glen approximately between the hours of 5pm and midnight Thursday night. Sheriff Thorne has yet to issue an amber flare citing that the boy is known to often run off due to a lack of sufficient familial supervision. Rosamond Diggle, mother of Theo and older brother Dougie, works as a waitress at the local tavern, The Tasty Nugget, and had left her two children at home unsupervised when the disappearance occurred.” Wow, Rosie left her kids at home alone?
Herb: They're making Rosie out to be some kind of monster. She's a great mom.
Bud: Yeah, no doubt, no doubt.
Herb: What else does it say?
Bud: Well, just a little bit, not much. Let's see, “Theo Diggle's about seven years old, just over 2 foot tall, brown hair, brown eyes. He was last seen in a red sweater, brown trousers, bare feet” of course. Uh, “if you have any information regarding his whereabouts,” blah, blah, blah, uh, contact, Mystra's Glen Sheriff's Department. Okay, here we go. Uh, a statement put out by the Office of Mayor Eustace Dinglehopper has been issued. “Our thoughts [00:08:00] and prayers are with the Diggle family at this challenging time.” Wow. Okay. And that's it. That's all she wrote.
Herb: Thoughts and prayers. Why haven't they issued an amber flare? That doesn't make any sense!
Bud: Don't make a lick of sense. Sounds like the Sheriff ain't doing much of nothin'.
Herb: Bud! It's the legend.
Bud: What?
Herb: The legend of the Cinderwood Walker.
Bud: Oh, oh snap! Whenever the walker is sighted, someone goes missing. Oh god, I got chills! I got chills! Look at my arm, I got the goose pimples!
Herb: You got the goose pimples! What if, okay, what if Theo didn't wander off? What if the Cinderwood Walker got him?
Bud: What if the Cinderwood Walker? Then he's in danger, Herb. He is in real danger!
Herb: We have got to help Rosie find Theo.
Bud: We've got to! We've got to!
Herb: We gotta go down to Rosie's house. We gotta get some real facts.
Bud: Pickle, you help me pack up the gear! Herb, you pack up the snacks! We're takin' this show on the road!
Herb: Let's go!
Bud: [00:09:00] But first, a word from our sponsor.
Chick: Are you tired of those stuffy, corporate chain restaurants? Come on down to the Tasty Nugget, where the food is always fresh, and the atmosphere is eeeeeeelectric. Every night, we have live music to accompany your meal, a tasty lick to go with your tasty licks. And on Tuesdays, we're bringing back our famous Open Mic Night, so come on down and show us what you got and maybe, who knows, you might even become the next big thing. And speaking of big things, our portions are huge! You'll never leave the Tasty Nugget feelin hungry. We've got everything from our famous chicken fried steak to our homemade mushroom burgers. Mmm, mmm, good!
Herb: That’s right! I'm Herb, Head [00:10:00] Chef of the Tasty Nugget, and I endorse this delicious message.
Chick: So, come on down to the Tasty Nugget, where the food is always fresh and the fun never stops. We can't wait to feed ya.
Rosie: Hello? Who's there?
Herb: Rosie, it's Herb. And Bud, too.
Bud: Howdy do, ma'am.
Dougie: Hi Herb.
Herb: Hi Dougie! this is my good friend Bud.
Bud: Hey Dougie, it's very nice to meet you.
Herb: We saw about Theo in the newspaper, and we wanted to try to come and help.
Bud: We know that old nasty sheriff ain't doin nothin so here we are and we were just hopin’ to maybe [00:11:00] ask you and Dougie couple questions, does that sound okay?
Rosie: Of course, thank you so much. yeah, come, come in, come Inside,
Herb: I think I'm a bit round for your door. I don't think I'm gonna fit. It's sort of halfling sized.
Rosie: I'm so sorry, Herb. Yes, of course, what was I thinking? Come around, back to the garden, come on.
Herb: I'm so glad that we caught you. We really weren't sure that you'd be home.
Rosie: Sheriff Thorne said I should stay here in case Theo comes home.
Bud: That's about the one smart thing he has said.
Herb: I've brought you some tea, as well as some finger sandwiches, and a casserole for later. You know, you shouldn't be cooking right now, so here.
Rosie: Herb, that's so nice. Thank you.
Bud: Okay, Rosie.
Rosie: Mm
Bud: First off,
Rosie: Hmm. Mm
Bud: we just want to say we're so sorry about what's happened.
Herb: We know we're gonna find Theo. I just, I know it. We're gonna find him.
Rosie: Yeah, we will. But I [00:12:00] feel like I'm going crazy! No one believes me!
Herb: I tell you what, why don't we start from the very beginning. Can you tell us what happened?
Rosie: Well I wasn't supposed to work last night. You know, Herb, I have Thursdays off. But Minerva's little one, Nestor, came by and said to say that his mom was sick and that his mom said that Chick said that he needed me to cover for her.
Herb: Mm, okay.
Rosie: So I tried to call Gertie McGillicuddy. I have this sending stone that I use when I need her to watch the boys, but I couldn't reach her. And that was really upsetting because with this sending stone, I could always reach Gertie.
Herb: Oh, well, what did you do then when you couldn't get a hold of her?
Rosie: Well, I checked with the neighbors, but they weren't there either, usually they're so friendly with checking in on the boys. Normally I would have just told Chick, no! But they were in a real bind, and you know, money has been really tight and an extra shift would [00:13:00] really help out my family, especially on a thirsty Thursday and you know, I asked Dougie if he felt okay watching Theo.
Dougie: Mom told us that she got called in to go to work and that we needed to go get cleaned up. So that we could be ready for dinner before she left. We were getting ready to sit down on the couch cause we could listen to the MycoWave. We have one now and it's so cool. And my mom said since she was leaving, we could listen to shows while she was gone.
Rosie: I was only gonna be gone for a few hours and like I said, we really need that money right now. Why did I do that?
Herb: Oh Rosie, don't cry. It's really not your fault.
Bud: It's not, it's not your fault. You're just doing the best you can for your family, okay? Just just, take a breath.
Herb: Here, here, have a sandwich.
Bud: Yeah, there you go. There you go. So, [00:14:00] Rosie, the newspaper said that little Theo has been running off recently. Now, is that true?
Rosie: Oh dear, yes. But it's not like the newspapers made it out to be. He's always out playing in the forest. He has a very special connection to nature.
Herb: Oh, no. No, of course not. Of course not.
Bud: Okay, so if he's been running away, but the newspaper's got it all wrong, what's been going on exactly?
Rosie: Well, he's been a little distant recently, and a little forgetful at times, yeah.
Bud: Forgetful? Of, of what?
Rosie: Well, you know, mostly he's just forgetting about time, he's like losing time.
Herb: Time. What do you mean he's losing time?
Rosie: Well, you know, he loves nothing better than going exploring in the woods, and the forest around here is so special and gentle, and he's a born gardener, and I think he communes with nature in a different way than most of us, but Theo knows he has to be in before supper. But a couple [00:15:00] times he recently didn't come back on time. And you know, when he came back, he came back smelling like he'd been swimming in a rancid mud pit.
Bud: In a rancid mud pit? Wow, okay, well, tell us a little bit more about that, when was the first time you noticed he was smelling all stank ass?
Rosie: About a month ago was the first time Theo went missing. And I remember it was a Tuesday because I usually work on Tuesday. But that night, I had the night off. And Dougie and I went out in the woods and found him in a clearing, just standing there, stinking.
Herb: Wait. What was he doing other than that?
Rosie: He was talking.
Bud: Talking? Who was he talking to?
Rosie: To his imaginary friend, Todd.
Bud: Imaginary friend Todd?
Rosie: Mm hmm, mm hmm, mm hmm, Theo is so friendly, but right now he doesn't have a ton of friends at school, so I was not surprised when he made up an imaginary friend, Todd. Todd lives in the forest, and that's where Theo met him, and
Bud: Okay.
Rosie: he told me anyway. [00:16:00]
Herb: Oh. Well, was that the only time that Theo's gone missing?
Rosie: No, no, not at all. A week or so after that, he didn't come back again. And when we couldn't find him anywhere, we were so worried that we went straight to the sheriff's station. And they came back out to the house with us, only to find him sitting on the front steps, drawing in his book.
Herb: Oh. Where'd he been?
Rosie: On a walk with Todd.
Herb: How did he seem when he got home? Was he okay?
Rosie: You know, he seemed tired, and I don't know, far away. Like distant.
Herb: Oh, that sounds kind of scary, Rosie. I'm sorry.
Bud: Real scary.
Rosie: You know, I am really scared. But In the last couple weeks, there's been a shift and he's been more Theo, like, more himself, and he hasn't wandered off, and he's been, you know, present when we're in family time and playing games, and he's been playing with Dougie again instead of Todd.
Bud: Okay is there anything else you can think of?
Rosie: [00:17:00] I went to work and I did my shift and I walked home and about halfway home, I found Dougie walking out towards me.
Dougie: I was headed to the Tasty Nugget. And I saw another lantern farther down the path coming toward the house. So I thought, well, there's somebody that might help me find Theo. And I ran up to him, and that's when I saw that it was Mom, and she was coming back home.
Rosie: We went back to the house and we searched all over. We both looked under things that we know Theo couldn't hide under just because we were so scared. And he wasn't there. He wasn't in the woods. We checked everywhere. And that is when we finally alerted the sheriff.
Herb: Oh, interesting.
Rosie: Um huh.
Herb: Dougie, from your perspective what happened last night?
Dougie: Mom had made some coney and taters for us. She gave us kisses on the head, and told us to be good, and said she had to go, so she left to go to work. I don't remember if she said anything else because I was listening to Tales of the Gallant.
Bud: What time [00:18:00] was this happening?
Dougie: Oh, Tales of the Gallant comes on at 5 o'clock. There was this really cool part where they had just come into the tomb and then the MycoWave started acting weird again.
Bud: Acting weird how? What happened?
Dougie: Sometimes, there are these other voices that you can kind of hear, so you can still hear the show, but it also sounds like there's some people talking.
Bud: Like it's like a getting crisscross like maybe two broadcasts and you can hear two shows at once or like that?
Dougie: No, no, it's, it's more like there's somebody in the room next door, but with the door closed. And you can hear the voices, but you don't really understand everything they're saying. I learned that if you just give the MycoWave a whack it will sometimes make it better.
Bud: Okay.
Dougie: So I went up and whack, I hit it and then [00:19:00] it was, it was strange 'cause all of a sudden it was, the evening news was on and I don't know what happened to Tales of the Gallant, but evening news was on and I was, well, that's weird. And I turned around and Theo wasn't there. I figured he just had to go to the bathroom. So I got my food and it was really cold.
Herb: Your food was cold?
Dougie: The food was cold.
Herb: Oh.
Dougie: I kept eating and Theo didn't come back. So I yelled at him, come on, hurry up. Your food's getting real cold. I went up to check on him and he wasn't in the bathroom, and he wasn't in our room, wasn't in Mama's room.I came back down and that's when I noticed that the front door was open. And I thought, you know, okay, here we go. Theo's wandered off again. So I got to the door. I noticed it was really dark outside. Which was also weird because it was just dinner time.
Bud: [00:20:00] Oh.
Dougie: He wasn't in the house so I got my coat and a lantern and I went out. I thought for a minute I was on the right track because well the smell was back.
Bud: The smell?
Dougie: Yeah there was this nasty smell that smells like Theo's farts. You know when you're in bed with somebody, and you pull all the sheets up, and you fart in the bed, and you hotbox them, and that smell lingers around for a while?
Herb: Yeah. It's super fun.
Dougie: Yeah, but, like, that's the way it smelled outside.
Bud: So he was just cropdusting the great outdoors and you walk into a wall of farts.
Dougie: Yeah, that's what it was like. Um, but, but it was everywhere. It wasn't like one spot, but I thought maybe I was on the right track because it smelled that way. So first I went down to the pond and he wasn't there. So then I went into the woods a little bit and
Bud: He weren't there neither?
Dougie: No, [00:21:00] no he wasn't there either.
Bud: Okay. You must have been pretty scared by this point.
Dougie: I was worried about Theo and it also was a little weird because there weren't any sounds around.
Herb: What do you mean?
Dougie: It was super quiet. You how at night you can hear crickets? And owls hooting down at the pond. You hear the frogs doing their brrr brrr brrr None of that. Everywhere I went, it was just quiet. And when I couldn't find him, it was, it was spooky. And I was scared. And I didn't know what else to do. So I decided I needed to go get Mom.
Rosie: His face was blanched. He was trembling. He was so frightened.
Dougie: I ran really fast to her and I, I told her how sorry I was that I lost Theo, and, um, she got down and asked me to tell her everything that happened, so I did. And that's when she said we [00:22:00] need to go get some help.
Rosie: I was so scared when I saw Dougie in the street. He just looked so terrified and it didn't make too much sense to me, but I knew I had to do something.
Herb: Oh Rosie I know you must have been scared, but don't you worry uh, Bud and I got this. Thank you so much for sitting with us and answering our questions. I think we have a number of very good clues here.
Rosie: You know, we'll keep looking for him in the forest.
Herb: No, no, uh uh. I think you know what? The best thing for you two to do is to stay here together. Wait here in case Theo comes home, right? Like the other time, when you found him on the stoop.
Rosie: I mean, that's a good idea, of course, but are you sure? Because I can't just do nothing.
Bud: It's not nothing. Y'all keeping safe here is the best thing you can do. We promise you, okay?
Rosie: Okay, you're right, you're right. If you think that's best, you're right, you're right.
Herb: Thank you so much, Rosie. Thank you, Dougie. You've been very brave. But we should get going.
Bud: Yeah, y'all get some [00:23:00] rest, try to just eat, have some of Herb's nice casserole, and just stay here. We will be in touch as soon as we can, okay?
Rosie: Okay. I cannot thank you two enough. Thank you so much. Thank you for everything.
Herb: Oh, it’s gonna be ok.
Bud: Of course.
Herb: We'll find Theo for you. Don't worry.
Bud: Herb, that is some crazy @#$%.
Dougie: Herb! Herb! Bud! Wait, wait!
Herb: Hey Dougie, did you think of something else?
Dougie: Yeah, yeah, but I gotta be quick. I didn't want to say it in front of Mama. I don't want her to worry if she sees that I'm out here.
Bud: Oh yeah.
Dougie: So, early this morning, after being out all night, I was on the couch, and I was kind of dozy, and then, all of a sudden I thought I heard Theo. It sounded like he was on the MycoWave.
Herb: On the MycoWave?
Dougie: He was talking to Todd and asking where he was, but the weird thing is the MycoWave wasn't on.
Bud: [00:24:00] Oh.
Herb: Okay
Dougie: I don't know whether I heard it on the MycoWave or whether I was just dreaming in a dozy sleep.
Bud: Dougie, I'm really glad you shared this with us. This is actually very important.
Herb: Yeah
Dougie: Okay, I gotta go. I gotta get back to the house before Mama sees.
Bud: All right. All right. Okay. You scoot.
Herb: Thank you, Dougie
Dougie: All right, bye.
Bud: Wow. Poor Rosie and Dougie, man. This just ain't natural.
Herb: It ain't natural, Bud. What if the Cinderwood Walker was out hunting for victims when we spotted it?
Bud: Oh, wow.
Herb: I'll bet it took Theo.
Bud: Herb, he is in deep, deep trouble.
Herb: He is in big trouble and we are the ones who are gonna find him, right? We have to think logically about this. We have to think of the clues, okay? What did Rosie say about Theo? Maybe there is something in there.
Bud: Sure. Sure. Okay. Okay. So she said he's been acting weird for a while. Uh, really long before you or me or [00:25:00] Grondar ever saw the Walker.
Herb: And he's been talking to an imaginary friend named Todd who lives in the woods.
Bud: Right. He's been wandering off. He's been acting distant. He's been forgetting to come home.
Herb: And, the oddest bit of all, Dougie clearly lost time when Theo disappeared.
Bud: Yeah, weird. What is that all about anyway?
Herb: No idea. Maybe, maybe, when the Walker took Theo, it hypnotized Dougie to distract him.
Bud: Oh, like a vampire.
Herb: Yeah! Wait, wait, okay, I have an idea.
Bud: Okay.
Herb: Remember how Grodnar said that the Walker leaves decay in its path?
Bud: Yeah.
Herb: Okay, maybe we should look for some gross footprints or something in the yard.
Bud: I love it, Herb. You're a Gods damn genius.
Herb: Oh, thank you.
Uh, seeing [00:26:00] anything over there, Bud?
Bud: Nah, nothing yet. Whoa, hang on, wait! What is this?
Herb: Oh, it looks like an augury card. What's it doing out here?
Bud: I mean, I, did somebody drop it? That's weird, right?
Herb: Maybe. But look at the card, though. The Beast!
Bud: The Beast Card! Oh, oh, that's creepy. Herb, I'm getting the creeps, man. Oh my. Well, hang on a second. Look over here.
Herb: Look at what? What am I looking at?
Bud: Look, look, see this line? It's kind of faint. There's like a little, see that line's white, it's going around, there's a big circle going all the way around Rosie's house.
Herb: Oh. Wait a minute. Hold on. Nom nom nom.
Bud: Herb! What the @#$% you doing, man? Don't put that in your mouth!
Herb: That's salt.
Bud: What?
Herb: That's salt. And the augury card was sitting on it.
Bud: Herb, do you know what this is?
Herb: What is it?
Bud: This is one of them magic devil circles.
Herb: A devil circle?
Bud: Yeah! Lookit, okay. A [00:27:00] spooky augury card with The Beast on it inside a devilish line encircling the house. Herb, this is big. Herb, this is huge.
Herb: Oh!
Bud: Weird @#$%'s been happening to the Diggles, right? And then we find evidence of devil worship around their house?
Herb: Devil worship? Well, wait, wait, wait, wait! What does it all mean?
Bud: It means the Walker did not put this card here. A person did.
The Adventures of Bud and Herb is brought to you by The Pocket Dimension. Created and written by Anna Fitzgerald and Evan Bivins. Episode 2, The Diggle Dilemma, stars Evan Bivins as Crygglinexxerflump “Bud” Buddlicker and Pickle Grimsby, Anna Fitzgerald as Herb, Sarah Mobley as Rosie Diggle, Matt Williams as Dougie Diggle, and Colby McHugh as Chick Nugget. Directed by Matthew Bivins and Sarah Mobley. Produced and edited by Anna Fitzgerald, Evan [00:28:00] Bivins, Matthew Bivins, and Alison Kendrick. Sound design by Evan Bivins. Original character art and poster by Bridgit Connell. Special thanks to Alejandro Tay and Greg Hess. Please consider supporting our show by becoming a patron at or find us on YouTube and all socials @enterthepocketdimension
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