Snack Attack
The Adventures of Bud & Herb: Snack Attack
Bud: [00:00:00] The sleepy, idyllic town of Mystra's Glen is home to a predator. A beast walks the outskirts silent, yet deadly. Who will fall prey to its nightmarish stench? This is Mysteries of the Verdant Valley.
Herb, are we rolling?
Herb: Uh, yep, we're rolling again, Bud.
Bud: Okay, take us in.
Herb: Alright, well everybody, welcome back to another episode of Mysteries of the Verdant Valley. Gotta tell ya, it's dark as heck down here in the tunnels. Grondar has managed to get us through a rotted tree stump, and we squeezed through a bit of a tight tunnel, but now we are in the main corridors of the tunnel [00:01:00] system that apparently was underneath Mystra's Glen this whole time. Who knew?
Bud: Yeah, weird.
Herb: Super weird. But, we're gonna try to act fast and get to Theo. I'm still so worried about him, but we gotta get to him, and now we also have to get to the fundraiser because not only do we have to worry about Theo, but we have to worry about his mom, and his brother, and literally everybody else in town.
Bud: Oh man, oof, that's a lot. Uh, we still got Gerty here, and Grondar, and we got Da'ryl's around here somewhere. Don't see him right now.
Da'ryl: I'm right here.
Bud: Oh, Gods, man. Quit that! Gods dang it, Da'ryl. Jeez Louise.
Herb: Da'ryl that is like the third time you've made me leave a turtle pellet on the ground.
Bud: Oh man, I know you think that's real funny and everything, but it's getting old, getting real old.
Da'ryl: I can't help it, alright? It's not my fault, you didn't see me or hear me.
Herb: I mean, it's a little sexy, not gonna lie. Anyways. Sorry. Okay.
Da'ryl: [00:02:00] We really should be cautious heading down this tunnel. So.
Bud: Yeah, smells in here. Ugh. Good grief.
Da'ryl: I did swipe one of those diapers, if anybody wants one.
Bud: Wait, you're not gonna wear it yourself?
Da'ryl: I mean, I could, unless, you know, I mean, well, you're still covered in @#$%. So maybe?
Bud: Oh, you're saying the smell is me?
Da'ryl: I mean, maybe you're already used to the smell, so you don't need a diaper. You see what I'm saying?
Bud: Ugh. Man, just wear the diaper. Just wear it.
Da'ryl: I guess I'm gonna take my hat off, put the diaper on, and then put my hat back on.
Dungeon Master: The moment you put the diaper on the smells of rot and decay in the tunnel magically vanish. Blasphor's Magical Diapers are true to their word and they leave you smelling naught but a light whiff of baby powder.
Da'ryl: It's actually quite nice.
Herb: Oh, Really?
Bud: Man, I had no idea that there were so many Blasphor's Magical Diapers in the world. I mean, I [00:03:00] sold Barlow them thinking they were like the only ones in the world and here are a bunch of other ones, right? I bet these are cheap knockoffs. Let me take a look at that. All right. All right, you can have it right back. What the hells?
Herb: What is it?
Bud: These are my diapers. These are the ones I gave to Barlow.
Herb: What?
Bud: These are the ones.
Herb: But I thought he was incontinent! Why did he give them away?
Bud: I don't know. I don't know.
Grondar: Is he involved in some way?
Bud: Well, he is a creepy ass mother@#$%er. That's for sure. I would not put it past him. Now, Gerty, let me see your diapers. Here.
Gerty: What?
Bud: Oh, you all right? You okay?
Gerty: I just, I was in just kind of like a little cone of safety in here. What? You said something?
Bud: Oh yeah, let me see them diapers. What in the nine hells, man? These are Barlow's diapers. But these are also Barlow's diapers. This don't make no sense, man. Y'all, did I take some drugs? I feel like I took some drugs.
Herb: I did put a little bit of mushroom in your soup.
Bud: All right, here, [00:04:00] y'all take these diapers back.
Grondar: What does this mean, Bud?
Bud: I don't know, man. Somebody out there is making Blasphor Magical Diaper Babies.
Dungeon Master: Further down the corridor that you are walking, y'all hear a spray and a whiff, like a creature going
Rankle: Sniff
Dungeon Master: an intaking breath, and you hear the deep chuckle of a creature going:
Rankle: Oh, that's, that's good stuff. Oh, I'm gonna, oh, wait. Here, here, hit me again. Hit me again. Sniff. Oh, yeah. That's great.
Bud: What the @#$%?
Herb: Do you hear that?
Bud: Yeah, let me see if I can get eyes on it.
Dungeon Master: Around a bend in the upcoming corridor you can peek [00:05:00] around and you see kind of splayed out amongst the stalactites and the stalagmites in the room two long-limbed, furry bugbears passing between them a can of BuggemOUT!.
Gerty: Are they doing BuggemOUT! whippets, is that what's happening?
Dungeon Master: I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry! I was mistaken. They are not sprawled out because they can't go prone. They are standing and leaning against stalactites and stalagmites and they are huffing BuggemOUT!. The other one goes:
Krok: Oh, so that's some good stuff. I mean, the first times really kind of hurt and stung, but now, it's great. I mean, uh, I, I feel so, so alive and, and present and, and I feel at one with myself and like never, ever take my mind away from me. It's, it's wonderful. And I, I, I just feel so awake and I haven't slept in days and this is amazing and I...
Grondar: [00:06:00] It's the Adderall of
Herb: of bugbears.
Gerty: Hahahahaha.
Bud: You guys, I don't think BuggemOUT! works as advertised.
Rankle: What? Huh? Did you hear that? Who's there? We can see you.
Dungeon Master: Those of you with dark vision very clearly see one of the bugbears just quickly shrink their way behind one of the stalagmites. You know that they're there, but it's also kind of amazing how quickly they just disappear. So they're not hiding effectively from you. You know they're there, but they're in cover. And the other one goes:
Krok: Show yourselves. Are you more of those, weird culty people? We told you, you can't come through this way. This is our tunnel.
Herb: Weird culty people?
Krok: Yeah, you weird, you flower kids with your with your robes and, and [00:07:00] whatnot. Get out of here with that nonsense.
Bud: What are you talking about, man?
Herb: We're not flower kids. I mean, I have flowers, but I'm not a kid.
Krok: They're one of the flower people.
Bud: Sir, I think you might be a little bit, under the influence? Uh, you know what? Yes. In fact, you're so high, you're having hallucinations. We are not here at all. We're just the voices in your head.
Krok: I have to be honest with you, maybe another day that might have worked on me, but right now, I am feeling so just present and in my senses, and there is no way that you could possibly trick me. Not right now. Tssss. Ahh. So show yourselves before I rip you limb from limb and take all your stuff.
Bud: Whoa, man, slow your roll.
Krok: Hey, you got anymore BuggemOUT!? Do you have, um, do you have any, any cans of this stuff?
Dungeon Master: And he like shakes the can.
Herb: Uh, we don't have any BuggemOUT!, but I do have snacks.
Krok: [00:08:00] I'm listening.
Herb: Well, it sounds like maybe you guys are having a good time and maybe have a little information that we could use. Nothing like bringing snacks to a party to make the party extra special?
Dungeon Master: Roll me a Persuasion Check and tell me what snacks you offer him, because I think that's going to affect the DC of this check.
Herb: Let's see what I've got here. And very quickly you just hear as Herb creates a full beautiful charcuterie board full of celery and cucumbers and carrots and some hummus.
Dungeon Master: The bugbear comes over and you're pretty tall, Herb, so this bugbear is only slightly taller than you but comes over and like, leans down and what's your Persuasion Check?
Herb: It is seven.
Dungeon Master: The bugbear goes:
Krok: Yeah, that'll do.
Dungeon Master: And he, he takes the charcuterie board and he goes:
Krok: What do you want to know?
Herb: Well, you said [00:09:00] something about flowering children? Right? We're looking for a kid and he likes flowers. His name is Theo.
Krok: Oh, sure. Yeah. That kid.
Bud: Yeah, a little halfling boy. You seen him around here?
Krok: Uh, yeah, yeah, I think, uh, I think he went down, uh, one of these tunnels here.
Dungeon Master: And he gestures behind him and there are three different tunnels.
Krok: I can't really remember which one, though, you know not as hungry as I am.
Dungeon Master: And you see he's like
Krok: Nom, nom, nom, nom, nom, nom, nom
Dungeon Master: And he's pretty much done with that full charcuterie board.
Krok: So, you know, it's, it's just really hard to remember. Hehehe.
Herb: Uh, would you like some tomatoes to grease that memory up a little bit?
Krok: Mmmmm. Yeah, that sounds pretty good. Hehehe.
Gerty: I'm going to walk over to Herb and say, that looks delicious. Uh, placing my hand on your shoulder and offering you Guidance should you need it.
Herb: [00:10:00] And I hand over vine ripe tomatoes.
Dungeon Master: Lovely. Uh, and he takes those and he eats those. Uh, and he goes:
Krok: You know, if you're interested in the flower people, uh, we could tell you quite a bit about them if, well, you know, if, if, you know, if we weren't so worried all the time about our health and going hungry and, and all of that, then maybe, maybe we would have time to think about potentially which of these two tunnels that little kid got dragged down.
Herb: Would you take a lifetime 25 percent off coupon to The Tasty Nugget in exchange for said information?
Rankle: We'll take more than that. Ha ha ha.
Dungeon Master: And the other one who is hiding this entire time is going to leap out and try and surprise attack y'all. I need everyone to roll Initiative.[00:11:00] Da'ryl and Grondar and Bud, as this bugbear launches out you're able to very quickly clock your surroundings. You have stalagmites and stalactites growing up and down from the cave floor and ceiling. You have this very shallow divot with cave water that leaked in and held there. It's very shallow even Bud would be able to be waist high in this pond. You came in through one tunnel and there are three tunnels going out. Herb and Gerty. You see nothing, but you hear the chaos as everyone immediately launches into action as this bugbear leaps towards Herb with malicious intent.
Da'ryl: Da'ryl has already crossed the room. As he heard these voices, he turned invisible and just started sneaking. So he's standing in front of these [00:12:00] three tunnels and as things happen, just becomes aware. Why isn't everyone behind me? Confused as to why we aren't just sneaking past these people. Looks back, sees what's happening, goes: This is why I work alone. And is going to, there was a bugbear hiding behind a stalagmite.
Dungeon Master: That is poised ready leaping out towards Herb in this moment.
Da'ryl: Quickly just step quietly behind this bugbear and I, it's gonna sound weird, but I put my hand down his pants in the back,
Dungeon Master: What?
Gerty: Atomic wedgie!
Da'ryl: against the stalagmite that he was holding and I click my Immovable Rod just to pin his pants to the stalagmite so he can't move.
Dungeon Master: We're gonna call this a Stealth Check with advantage, to accomplish this task.
Da'ryl: That's a 25.
Dungeon Master: He is so confused as he leaps forward to attack and is immediately yanked [00:13:00] back.
Rankle: What the hell? What's going on?
Dungeon Master: So he's going to make this attack at disadvantage, is what's going to happen here. Herb, would a 15 hit you?
Herb: No!
Dungeon Master: He leaps forward and his Morningstar swings down, and as it does so, he is yanked back at the same time, and it whiffs right in front of you.
Rankle: Oh! Dang it!
Dungeon Master: Not that you can see any of this.
Herb: Anybody feel that breeze?
Grondar: Grondar went into full Dread Ambusher mode and knowing that the bugbears cannot see him, he walks very, very carefully to behind the actual stalagmite that the bugbear was hiding behind. So he takes his place. And he is going to fire two arrows, and because of this ambusher, he also is allowed a third attack. That's 17, 22, and Nat [00:14:00] 20.
Gerty: Nice! Oh, boy!
Grondar: Nineteen points of damage.
Dungeon Master: So then the other one is gonna go:
Krok: They're attacking from the shadows! Get them!
Dungeon Master: And he's gonna turn and he's going to indiscriminately spray a line of BuggemOUT! across the whole way. I would like Grondar, Herb, and Da'ryl to make me Dexterity Saving Throws.
Grondar: That's a 21 for Grondar.
Bud: Oh yeah.
Da'ryl: Twenty total for me.
Herb: Ten for me.
Dungeon Master: Make me a Con Save, please.
Herb: Eight! I'm on the wrong side of BuggemOUT!.
DM: You immediately feel a burning sensation to your skin, your eyes, your nose, your throat, and you are incapacitated at the moment as this just burns so bad. The other [00:15:00] bugbear screaming:
Rankle: Where are they? Where are they?
Bud: Herb, hang on man, I'm coming! And then I crouch low like a cat who's been sneaking tuna off the kitchen counter for years. Only this kitchen is a dank cave and the tuna is a big nasty bugbear who looks like he's been eating nothing but beans and regrets. I sidle up, keepin' my eyes on the prize, every step is a careful whisper on the stone. Silent, steady. I'm huggin' this stalagmite like it's the last friend I got in the world and then I take a peek around the edge, and I use Insightful Fightin'.
Dungeon Master: So, make me your Insight Check.
Bud: Oh. Oh, that's not good.
Dungeon Master: You gotta beat a seven.
Bud: Oh man! It's a five.
Dungeon Master: There's something about the mix of this creature is hopped up on BuggemOUT!, cannot be frightened, or charmed, or paralyzed, or prone, or any of [00:16:00] these things. Your insights are not useful because this is not how this creature typically acts or fights. You do not succeed but you can still make your attack.
Bud: Ooh, I bet a 26'll hit though.
Dungeon Master: Oh yeah, I will.
Bud: So I pop up from behind my stalagmite and say: Oh, so now you're fighting with air freshener, huh? Good! Maybe it'll do something about your B.O.! And then I shoot his ass.
Krok: Ow! Ow! They're bugbear hunters! They're bugbear hunters! Get 'em!
Da'ryl: I will bonus action hide to tuck behind a little stalagmite and then I will pull out my crossbow. I load in these bolts that are blunted on the end, in an attempt to avoid lethality, and I'm gonna shoot at the small one. I am still invisible, this will drop my invisibility, but I have advantage, I believe?
Dungeon Master: That's true.
Da'ryl: Good thing, that was a 2 and a 12 for 17. That will be 14 points of bludgeoning damage.
Dungeon Master: Your [00:17:00] blunt tipped crossbow bolt pings this boy right in the temple and he gives a little
Rankle: Gah!
Dungeon Master: and then boom hits the floor. The can of BuggemOUT! goes and rolls across the cave floor coming to rest against a stalagmite. The bugbear with the eyepatch, who's pinned, reaches his long arm around, finds something, clicks a button, and pulls out a weird rod.
Rankle: What? Oh, no, Krok!
Dungeon Master: And he is going to bound forward take his action to scoop up his buddy Krok, and he is going to disengage, and he's going to edge his way back to the edge of the cave. He goes:
Rankle: That one. That one. The cultists went that way. Please, please leave Krok alone.
Bud: Dang. That's kind of touching.
Dungeon Master: Herb, it is your turn.
Herb: I believe I'm incapacitated by BuggemOUT!
Dungeon Master: Oh [00:18:00] no! Roll me a Constitution Save!
Bud: Oh no.
Herb: Seven! Hahahahahaha. It burns! It hurts! Oh, God! Why does it taste like lemons in my soul? Ow ow ow. Herb has a tomato in their hand that they plucked to try to offer the bugbear, and so Herb smashes the tomato on her forehead and gets the juice and just like tries... like a skunk.
Dungeon Master: Oh no. It burns worse.
Herb: Yeah, like, oh, God, why?
Grondar: I am just going to grab my two short swords and just, as he's backing away, inspired by his new friend, he's just gonna hilt of sword, bang bang, on his head. Uh, so that's...
Dungeon Master: You do have advantage on these. You're still just invisible.
Grondar: Unless ten hits, which I doubt it does.
DDungeon Master: With advantage, you only got a ten?
Grondar: I know. His foot gets caught in a part of the [00:19:00] stalagmite that he did not see and he kind of trips, and so he fully whiffs this attack. But no one saw him do it, so it's fine!
Dungeon Master: Being concerned with his buddy Krok, the bugbear doesn't even notice and just continuing to back up past this invisible assailant.
Bud: Alright, I take another peek out from behind the stalagmite and I try Insightful Fighting again. Gods dang it! Okay, well, I'm still gonna shoot his ass. I'mma shoot him right in the eye patch.
Dungeon Master: And let me ask you are you similarly using blunted crossbow bolts or nah?
Bud: Uh, I probably forgot to pack those.
Dungeon Master: This bolt lodges itself Looney Tune-like in the eye patch. Honestly, not actually that terrible of a wound for someone who's already lost an eye. There's just a little tiny gnome sized splinter of a crossbow bolt sticking out from this eye patch. He goes:
Rankle: Ow! That stings! You're [00:20:00] just like all the rest of them, harassing us poor bugbears. Ow, ow.
Gerty: Gerty is going to, first of all, touch her mace, casting the Light cantrip on it as her bonus action, so she can actually see what in the world is going on in here.
Dungeon Master: For the first time, everyone is able to like, see in color this drab, dismal, rotting cave, and everyone now also sees Grondar swinging wildly at nothing.
Gerty: Yes, yes, uh, lighting does make all of the difference, doesn't it, darlings? Seeing and hearing that Herb is in some kind of pain, I'm going to scurry on over. Now, Herb is considerably taller than Gerty, but I'm hoping I can maybe, like, scramble onto a rock, clasp Herb's face in mine and say: There, there. What have we talked about? You can fight almost anything you want with that magnificent mind [00:21:00] of yours and in grabbing your face, I'm going to cast Resistance on you, just trying to bolster you with confidence for next time you make that Con roll, you'll be adding a d4 to it.
Herb: Thank you for believing in me, Gerty.
Gerty: Always.
Da'ryl: Da'ryl is going to turn around and grab a water skin that I have and I will use the help action as I pour it on Herb's face to try and help alleviate this because we've got priorities and time is immensely of the essence, so.
Dungeon Master: The bugbear holding his friend goes:
Rankle: Come on Krok, let's get out of here. We gotta live to steal another charcuterie board another day.
Dungeon Master: And they run down one of those tunnels. Notably not the one that he pointed at. In the process as he's running a pouch that was on his belt falls and hits with a wet slop. [00:22:00]
Herb: And now a word from our sponsor.
Ricki Dickinson: Permanently injured? Size matters. I'm Ricki "The Hammer" Dickinson and here at Deap, Dickinson, & Associates we will pound and punish anyone who owes you money.
Donnie Deap: I'm Donnie "The Slammer" Deap. We'll ride hard into battle with stingy insurance companies, squeeze out every last drop of gold and fill your coffers to the brim. You want it? We're gonna give it to you. All of it!
Ricki Dickinson: Have you accidentally been plowed by your neighbor? Sorry, allergy. Your neighbor's tractor?
Donnie Deap: Or maybe you slipped while handling a heavy log, we'll compensate you for every inch.
Ricki Dickinson: Come on in! Deap, Dickinson, & Associates down at the Mystra's Glen Courthouse.
Donnie Deap: There's no case too big or too hard. [00:23:00]
Herb: Ugh, my eyes!
Gerty: Herb! Are you hurt?
Herb: No, it just stings so bad.
Da'ryl: Why did you squish tomato on your face?
Herb: Because, I don't know, it was in my hand and it just hurts and my brain told me to do it.
Dungeon Master: After a few moments with water and with your friends helping you out the stinging does recede and you're able to slowly blink back and see through swollen lids. But yeah, that, that stung. That BuggemOUT! is no joke.
Herb: Man, I can't believe they enjoy that.
Bud: For reals, man! Somebody needs to write them folks at BuggemOUT! and lodge a formal complaint. I mean, Herb, you're not a goblinoid creature, are you?
Herb: No, no I'm not.
Bud: Do you think you're gonna get [00:24:00] the explosive gas?
Dungeon Master: The can of BuggemOUT! is just sitting there, as well.
Herb: Oh, I am picking up this can of BuggemOUT!. This was more potent than the Walker. Dueling fumes! I pocket the BuggemOUT!.
Bud: How much is left? Give it a good shake.
Dungeon Master: Not much. They've been gassing up on this BuggemOUT! for a while and they seemed pretty desperate to get some more. You probably have one solid good spray left in there.
Herb: All right.
Bud: Can I do a little Investigation? Check out their chambers, see if they maybe left their stash behind.
Dungeon Master: The things that you discover looking around and checking for clues, this doesn't seem to be the bugbears' lair. This more seems to be like an ambush spot for them, for anyone who would pass through here so that they could take any supplies or anything like that. Now, that being said, there is around one of the stalagmites [00:25:00] a very small little chest that it appears that they haven't broken into yet and there's also, of course, that pouch that was dropped by one of the bugbears.
Bud: Let's pick up the pouch first. Hey, Da'ryl, you look at this while I work on this chest over here.
Da'ryl: All right. But let's make it quick.
Bud: Okay, man, quit rushing me.
Dungeon Master: The pouch is monogrammed with an M and on the inside, there are a few silver pieces, a few copper pieces, and a tightly folded note with a hastily sketched doodle that appears to be kind of a little mushroom with some squiggles on it. And when you unfold the paper it has a riddle inside.
Bud: Hey, Da'ryl, let me take a look at that.
Herb: What you looking at, Bud?
Bud: I'm looking at this thing that Da'ryl found. Uh, "I travel far but never walk. Through the forest I silently stalk. Okay. My network vast, unseen but there. [00:26:00] Connecting trees here to there." Now that's weird because that's just like a double rhyme of the same word, so clearly this poet was lazy as hell.
Herb: Yeah, but it's another riddle and I love riddles.
Dungeon Master: It also does seem hastily scribbled. Like, it does not seem like someone took a long time with this.
Bud: Okay, okay, okay, fine, I take it back. Maybe they weren't lazy, they were just in a rush.
Herb: Oh, maybe it's a draft.
Bud: Okay, gosh, man, there's so many options. I'm sorry, I'm so judgmental. I get your point. I think I know what this is, though.
Herb: Me too. What do you think it is?
Bud: Okay, on the count of three.
Herb: Okay.
Bud: One, two, three and then we're gonna say it right?
Herb: Okay, okay. On three or after three?
Bud: One, two... after three!
Herb: Okay, okay.
Bud: One, two, three.
Both: Mycelium Network!
Bud: Oh yeah, Herb, punch it! Pow! Woo, yeah! Now, that's weird. Why they got a riddle about a Mycelium Network down here?
Grondar: Mmm.
Bud: Clearly this didn't belong to no bugbear. They don't care about that, [00:27:00] right?
Herb: No, probably not. What else did you find?
Bud: We got this chest over here, let me see if I can crack it open. Let's see.
Dungeon Master: The only feature on the chest of note is etched very fine a light script three words: Rebirth through death.
Bud: Rebirth through death. Oh, so like Sheriff Thorne. Remember how Gerty was saying that he was talking about, oh man, I can't wait to die, which is just totally crazy.
Grondar: Hmm.
Bud: Cuz I'm gonna be not undead, but like re-dead or something.
Herb: Wait a minute! Hold on, hold up!
Bud: Okay, I'm holding.
Herb: My brain's a little fried from the BuggemOUT!, but I think I'm putting some stuff together.
Bud: What you got, Herb?
Herb: The Sheriff Thorne thing is creepy, but also there's a riddle, and that made me think of the vault door in the Dinglehopper Castle basement. And they had that whole thing with the riddles there, and there was a baby, and a flower, right? Their whole thing was kind of rebirth-y.
Bud: [00:28:00] Interesting. Well, we know the mayor's behind something insidious.
Herb: Yeah! Theo! Oh my gosh, we gotta go!
Bud: Yeah, let me get, here, I rolled a 28 to get into this here chest.
Dungeon Master: Yeah, this is not even that sophisticated of a lock. You are very deftly able to clink, clink, clink, clink, find all of the tumblers and the lock snaps open. You lift open the cover to find one set of small robes. They're sized for a humanoid, but a small humanoid like a halfling or a gnome. The robes themselves are a mottled black and green and there is a medallion that looks to be the finely crafted version of the doodle on the piece of paper. And with this larger version, you can see the details quite clearly. Although it is an overall mushroom shape, you can see that that mushroom actually forms a [00:29:00] skull surrounded by grasping vines with thorns. For a moment you think that they are petals, like flower petals that are falling off of the main structure, and then you realize that it's actually the shape of teeth.
Bud: Ooh. Yuck. Leafy teeth.
Grondar: May I say something, please?
Bud: Yeah, come on over here, Grondar. You seem be the expert on all this @#$%.
Grondar: First you notice that Grondar looks a little upset. He's trying to hide the fact that his hands are shaking just a little bit, but he takes a breath and he walks over and he says: Hmm, I have been thinking. I certainly would understand that the first guess at what this riddle would be, would be Mycelium Network, that would absolutely make sense, but based on my investigations it could also be the Blightroot itself.
Bud: Hang on a second, what do you mean? Are you saying Blightroot is connected to the mycelium network?
Grondar: I don't know that as of [00:30:00] yet, but, if the Cinderwood Walker was able to travel through an extended underground section of the Blightroot itself, it would make sense to me that perhaps the Blightroot is part of this as well.
Da'ryl: Alright folks, we gotta quit futzing with our mushrooms. We got a little boy to save.
Herb: Yeah! We do, we do!
Bud: Oh man! Which tunnel do we take?
Da'ryl: This is the one they pointed to.
Dungeon Master: So You all head down this tunnel. I would like everyone to make me a Perception Check and I would also well, before we do that are you going back to traveling in darkness?
Bud: Might not be a bad idea, but Gerty, Herb, y'all got the vote that matters here.
Herb: Well, I certainly don't want them to know that we're coming. But, I I really am a little afraid of the dark.
Bud: I know, I know. Look, what if the first sign of trouble, we just light it up.
Herb: Okay.
Bud: Alright, here, you can hold my hand, Herb.
Herb: Thank you, Bud.
Da'ryl: Da'ryl is going to [00:31:00] quietly approach Bud's ear, just like right next to the ear. Bud.
Bud: Ugh! Gods dang it!
Da'ryl: That robe could be a good disguise for you. Seemed about your size.
Bud: Yeah, I was thinking something like that. This is looking pretty culty, if you're thinking what I'm thinking.
Da'ryl: I don't know what you're thinking, so I'm not sure if I'm thinking the same thing or not.
Bud: Oh, okay. If we're dealing with a cult here, we got some creepy robes and a medallion. This is one of them flower children robes.
Da'ryl: Yeah. All right, here. And putting my hand to your chest, there's a bundle of cloth and you see the hat that I wear in your hands. And I say: This is my Hat of Disguise. Do with it what you will.
Bud: Oh. Okay. Thanks, man. Are you sure? It's pretty nice.
Da'ryl: It's, it's a loner.
Bud: Oh, okay.
Da'ryl: If you don't give it back, I will steal it back, Bud.
Bud: Oh, I mean, you don't gotta... [00:32:00] I'll give it back, man.
Da'ryl: I just, I wonder if it'll do you better in this scenario.
Bud: Oh, okay. Whatever.
Da'ryl: Yeah. Whatever. Thanks.
Bud: Thanks.
Da'ryl: Bye.
Bud: I mean, no, thank you.
Da'ryl: Uh, alright, alright.
Dungeon Master: Amazing. Herb, you hear up ahead in the tunnel a familiar electronic warble that you last heard around Castle Dinglehopper. The sound of an approaching Scrying Eye.
Grondar: Oh, boy.
Dungeon Master: It is heading down the tunnel in y'all's direction.
Da'ryl: Not this again.
Bud: Oh man, we can't all hide, there's too many of us. What you wanna do Da'ryl?
Da'ryl: I'm not good at quick decisions.
Bud: We should probably take it out.
Herb: Make up your mind!
Grondar: Smash it.
DM: It floats into view and spots y'all. It says:
Scrying Eye: Password.
Bud: [00:33:00] Oh God, it's either mycelium network or Blightroot, y'all. Which is it?
Scrying Eye: Password.
Bud: Grondar, what is it?
Grondar: I just have to say Blightroot, that's just me.
Scrying Eye: Password.
Herb: Fifty-fifty shot, Bud. Just say something.
Scrying Eye: Password.
Grondar: Do it.
Da'ryl: Do it.
DM: The orb flashes red with y'all's indecision.
Scrying Eye: Warning. Warning. Warning.
Bud: Um, uh, uh, Blightroot! Mycelium Network! Um, uh @#$%, man, @#$%! We're busted! Come on!
Anna Fitzgerald: The Adventures of Bud and Herb is brought to you by The Pocket Dimension. Created by Anna Fitzgerald and Evan Bivins. Episode 7, Snack Attack, stars Evan Bivins as Crygglinexxerflump “Bud” Buddlicker and Rankle the Bugbear, Anna Fitzgerald as Herb, Ricki Dickinson, and Donnie Deap, Seth McKay as Da’ryl X’orrin, Matthew [00:34:00] Bivins as Grondar Pawsniff, Alison Kendrick as Gerty McGillicuddy, and Alejandro Tey as the Dungeon Master and Krok the Bugbear. Produced and edited by Anna Fitzgerald, Evan Bivins, Matthew Bivins, and Alison Kendrick. Sound design by Evan Bivins. Original character art and poster by Bridgit Connell. Special thanks to Alejandro Tey and Greg Hess. Please consider supporting our show by becoming a patron at or find us on YouTube and all other socials @enterthepocketdimension.
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