Bud & Herb's fun bags of fan mail #7
The Adventures of Bud & Herb
Bud & Herb's fun bags of fan mail #7
Dear B+H,
Sorry iz taken me so long to write ya afta thu last one! I’mz still your “Biggest Most #1 Fan”! Promise.
Thing is, I’ve been haven to make some life adjustments as I lost a few fingies during a game of Don’t Stab Me Hand. As youse mighta guessed, my partner wasn’t the best stabbster.
Speakin of stabbin, I wish i’s was there with ya to keep my eyes on that scoundrel Da’ryl so he don’t stabs ya in the back again. Keep ya peepers wide for that one!
Anywayyyys, someday I think I’d like ta start my own band of crytid heads to frolick through the forest wif as well. Twigette said she’s interested, so now wez just gotta find out Grondar and Gerty.
Anyways anyways, the Bash Bash is tomorrow, so if ya don’t hear from me afta this, it’s most likely I’m good n dead.
Wish me luck!
Although… I guess you’se be reading this after iz already happened, so nevermind!
Love ya both!
Signing off,
Nigel “Most #1” Festergutt
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