Bud & Herb's fun bags of fan mail #5
The Adventures of Bud & Herb
Bud & Herb's fun bags of fan mail #5
Ello B+H!
Iz your friend Nigel here.
What a thrill ride yous is taken us on with Misteryz of the Verdant Valley.
After listinen to the latest ep I was flippin my crustyl cakes so hard that my sister Twiggette started askten questions. Now she listinen wif me and she officially a MotVV Head!
*But dontcha worry I’ms always your Biggest Most #1.*
Eenewayz, speakin of motive we was thinkin what if Dougie IS the Sheriff – but disguised and what not. If ya think about it, makes the most scents cause how else would Dougie get away with it.
Oh! HOLY SPITWEAZLE – Mayor DIGGLE-Hopper! Hims is Dougie’s pappy and they in cahooots ta do in Theo.
What a breakthrough! Cannot wait to tell Twiggette about this. Hope you cracks it too before iz too late for lil Theo!
Eiverway, have fun with the murderizin and stuff.
Oh, and welcome out of retirement! If I make it up to Mystra’s Glen, imma bring a cake to celebrate.
~~Love ya both,~~
Until the next one!
Nigel “Most #1” Festergutt
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