Bud & Herb's fun bags of fan mail #4
The Adventures of Bud & Herb
Bud & Herb's fun bags of fan mail #4
Dear B+H,
Today was a gloomy one for ol’ Nigel Festergutt. (me)
Not only was my brother Boggsie scooped up and kilt by a giant wingeed beastie, but so was my siblings Skigzy, Hurmet, Douf, Feefeey, Hazford, Jeeg, Dunstinoff, Wahzel. And my ovver sibs Pep, Jennica, Zunder, Flabablast, Woorble, Blowb, Farglorf, Grunk, and Dartanian. Oh! And me uncle Squeef.
Worst of all the Bash Bash might be cancelled cause wez missing a third of the clutch now.
Eenewayz, good riddance to Boggsie after he miremucked me (NEVER TRUST BROTHERS! My bigass eyes is still on you Dougie!), but the rest of em was alright - though I guess not no more.
Needless to say, I’s was thrilled when the fungcast dropped! It was just the pick-em-up I needed.
Though this Da’ryl guy (hee hee good one Bud callen hym Darrel) just blabs on and on blah blah blah. He sounds handsome, but I knuw he waz gunna stab you right in the back with the pointed stick he’s got up his bumhole.
~~Love always,~~
Wishin you tha best,
Nigel “Most #1” Festergutt
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