Bud & Herb's fun bags of fan mail #3
Bud & Herb's fun bags of fan mail #3
Buddy and Herbacious,
You two are jus tha coolist. I thinks I’m might be a little obsessed, but ina good way.
Not like that creep Barlow who seems to be obsessed with diapers.
Though I will say, does sounds nice to just leak and squeak with no concerns for soiling the nest and getting snooped by the rest of the clutch, then hollered by the Clutch Mother before being slinged from the nest and exiled for a month with a broke leggin.
Theodorically speeken.
Enneywayz, someday I wanna get away to Mystra’s Glen so I could eat at da Tasty Nuggat, get futurized by ol’ Gerty, and maybe see if Barlow would lemme give his diaper a try.
But first, I havta survive this years Bash Bash.
Wishing you tha best in your breakin and enterin.
~~Lots of love,~~
Your “Most #1“ fan,
Nigel “Most #1” Festergutt
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